Universal Account Creator (UAC) automates posting of form data to websites,
Checking web-based emails at set intervals, gathering Optical Character Recognition data from http hosted images,
and gathering addition html context, all configured by txt files.

Example usage: You need to create hundreds of accounts on a forum,
and the forum requires email activation/confirmation and verifying a captcha image.
and you need each account created to login with the same form data created and make a new thread in the forum with defined POST data.

You would use the "Fields GUI" application to define the necessary form variables required to create and submit (or use the option to extract them from a webpage),
the URL to post the data to, the login URL to post the same data to upon email confirmation success,
define captcha images to OCR, including additional options such as monochrome formatting and inverting,
then define an email subject or conditional context that changes upon http email page retrieval, and a partial string of the activation/confirmation URL to find and navigate to.
save that data to a fields.txt configuration file, open up the "Actions GUI" application to fill in the URL's to POST/GET data, any POST data to submit,
define partial HTML context to be saved upon each URL's submission, and save to an actions.txt configuration file.

The "Email Host GUI" application defines http email URL's and parts of the URL's that can have form data inserted into them,
such as a username to create a new account. this is saved as an emailhost.txt configuration file.

Several configuration samples are included for email hosts, fields and actions.
generally the emailhosts define free http email providers such as tempinbox.com and mytrashmail.com.
Some fields.txt's include creation of eBay.com accounts, gamespot.com accounts with an actions.txt that creates retrieves various game beta keys,
and an instantbuzz.com fields.txt that creates accounts and submits post data used in the toolbar, and some samples that OCR captcha images and submit the additional postdata.

There is no need to ever change an emailhost.txt with a new fields.txt.
the emailhost configurations are universal and can be used by any paired fields configuration.
unless of course the defined website in fields.txt disallows the email domain,
in which case you can simply try a new email host by copying another emailhost.txt into the application dir, or define a new one yourself.

Since this application is universal, it can be used for automating almost any account creation over the http protocol, such as automation of a purposeful task or security testing.
on the other hand it could be used for illegal tasks. the choice is in the users hands. Similarly as Peer2Peer applications can be used for lawful purposes.


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